Collage of screenshots showing websites developed by AVIDD Design

Featured Customer: AVIDD Design

Black and white portrait photograph of Kevin Neal of AVIDD Design
Kevin Neal of AVIDD Design

Hi – I’m Kev, designer and director at AVIDD Design.

My colleagues David, Davey and I launched AVIDD Design six years ago after working together at a previous design agency for many years. We decided it was time to step out on our own.

We wanted to create a different kind of agency where the designer works directly with the client. An agency with a very strong ethical point of view, pushing environmental options for our work as well as working with charities to offer a day’s fresh design work per month.

What does your company specialise in? Do you serve any particular market?

At AVIDD Design, we thrive on diversity and versatility in our work. Rather than specializing in a particular market, we find fulfilment in tackling projects across a wide range of industries. This approach keeps our work dynamic and ensures that we are constantly learning and evolving.

For instance, one day we might be engaged in a project as significant as curating a sensitive exhibition on slavery for St. Paul’s Cathedral, and the next day, we could be undertaking a more light-hearted refresh of Jaffa’s website.

This variety not only keeps us engaged but also allows us to bring a unique perspective and creativity to each project we undertake.

What is the secret of your success?

The relationships we build with the designer working directly with the client really work well for us and our clients. It means nothing gets missed when we take a briefing, we ask the right questions, and get the right answers.

Over the years, these relationships have become really strong, meaning our clients really trust us with their brands.

What do you love about what you do?

Ultimately, the greatest sense of achievement and satisfaction comes from knowing that you have delivered more than the client was expecting.

No matter how long you have been working in this industry, there is still a buzz that comes from seeing the client and their customers engaging with something that you have worked hard on.

What are the challenges AVIDD Design faces, and how are you tackling them?

Winning new business is always a challenge. We aren’t experts in getting our foot in the door, but when we are in, we have a good success rate. We hope to take on someone that can open those doors for us in the near future.

AI presents a few challenges. As with any rapidly changing technology, it is hard to keep up with all of the developments, though rather than fearing it, we try to embrace it where it makes sense to do so.

We recently used AI technology to restore a damaged voiceover on a client’s video. By cloning the original voice, we were able to seamlessly recreate the damaged section, saving the client the time and expense of remaking the entire video.

How does AVIDD Design use 20i’s Reseller Hosting?

We are currently hosting over 40 of our clients’ websites that we have designed and developed in-house. At the moment, they are all using WordPress hosting. However, as our needs evolve, we anticipate transitioning some of our sites to the Managed Cloud Hosting platform in the future.

One of the things that first drew me to 20i was the intuitive and straightforward control panel design, which means that while most of the time it is me looking after the hosting, Davey and David are able to use it too. Trust me; that is quite an achievement!

You have been with 20i for quite some time now. What made you stick with us?

I initially implemented 20i while working at a previous agency when I took on the web development role in 2017. So choosing it for AVIDD Design made perfect sense.

The technical support I have received through the years has been exceptional, and the platform is constantly evolving and refining while still retaining the simplicity that first attracted me.

What does the future hold for AVIDD Design?

In the immediate future, we are working on a rebrand for ourselves, and currently putting the finishing touches to our new website, which we feel is the beginning of a new stage for AVIDD Design.

Building on the strong foundations we have created, in the coming years, we plan to expand the business adding key members to the team. We want to work in even more areas as we don’t specialise in a specific field. We believe our experience can bring new ideas to areas we don’t yet have the experience in.

What advice/wisdom would you like to share with the world?

Trust your instincts and always offer the client what they have asked for as well as an option that pushes their boundaries.

For brands to grow and evolve, the creative community needs to push what the client thinks they want, as some people don’t know what they want until they see it.

Where can people find you and get in touch?

Through our website: https://avidd.design

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