Reseller hosting guide

Reseller hosting: make your business a success

This is our hub for all articles covering how to get started in reseller hosting.

It’s a series that will grow with time. It’s suitable for those starting a hosting business or adding hosting packages to an existing business.

Even those already running a successful hosting company may find some useful tips and advice, so read on!

If you’re just starting out, be sure to watch our tutorial video below.

WHMCS alternatives – and why you should look for one

WHMCS alternative which one to chose traffic lights

Still stuck on WHMCS? Here’s how to make your business run smoother, for less cost, by using our free HostShop.

Is 20i the best reseller hosting in the USA?

20i Reseller Hosting in the USA

One of our key aims at 20i is to provide the absolute best reseller hosting available. We have had a look at the US based reseller hosts who are regularly listed in the “top x reseller hosting” articles, and compare them to our reseller hosting. Read this and more.

Green Reseller Hosting with 20i

WInd Turbine for Green Web hosting reseller hosting 100 percent renewable energy

All  20i web hosting is eco-friendly green web hosting, run by 100% renewable energy. We not only have committed ourselves to be environmentally friendly, but offer you, as a reseller, all the material you need to showcase that you offer green hosting to your customers. Read more.

Should you sell web hosting? 10 questions to ask yourself.

Should you become a web hosting reseller?

Unsure about reseller web hosting? Answer these questions and decide whether you’re cut out for web hosting as business. Read more.

Starting a web hosting company: building a brand

Bear standing out with a brand, reseller web hosting

This article covers 5 tips on building a hosting company brand. Read more.

How to resell more WordPress hosting

Man using WordPress

Tips on how to sell more WordPress hosting. Read more.

How to sell virtual private servers

Sell more VPS

How to sell VPS – or more VPS (!) – if you’re 20i Reseller. Read more.