Review Signal award for 20i

Three Years of ‘Top Tier’ excellence in Review Signal’s WordPress Hosting Benchmark tests

At 20i, we take pride in providing unmatched WordPress hosting services for all our customers. For the third consecutive year, our claims aren’t just based on our own beliefs – they’ve been verified by Review Signal’s WP Hosting Benchmarks.

By conducting rigorous tests on WordPress hosting providers from across the globe, they help users make informed decisions based on cold, hard performance data.

➡️ Click here to read our test results

The benchmarks consider multiple factors, including:

  • Load Storm is designed to simulate real users visiting the site, logging in and browsing. It tests uncached performance.
  • K6 is designed to test cached performance by repeatedly requesting the homepage.
  • WebPageTest fully loads the homepage and records how long it takes from 12 different locations around the world.
  • Uptime is monitored by two companies: HetrixTools and Uptime Robot.
  • WPPerformanceTester performs two benchmarks. One is a WordPress (WP Bench) and the other a PHP benchmark. WP Bench measures how many WP queries per second and higher tends to be better (varies considerably by architecture). PHP Bench performs a lot of computational and some database operations which are measured in seconds to complete.
  • SSL Server Test provides a deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL.

Being rated as ‘Top Tier’ for three years in a row isn’t a one-off achievement. It demonstrates our commitment to maintaining high-quality services year after year.

The benchmarks also highlight our consistency in keeping your WordPress sites up and running smoothly, regardless of traffic surges, location or potential issues.

If you haven’t experienced our top-tier WordPress hosting services, now is the time!

Sell top tier WordPress Hosting

This is the exact same platform our WordPress optimised Reseller Hosting uses. All the tools, features and optimisations that were tested are available for you and your clients.

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