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20i WAF

Website Application Firewall

Instant protection with free WAF

  • Automatically block suspicious traffic
  • Fully integrated - no plugins required
  • 100% free for all 20i customers
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20i WAF

How 20i protects your website from malicious attacks & data breaches

Our custom built, enterprise-level Web Application Firewall (WAF) is included at no extra cost. 20i WAF protects all your sites against a variety of threats, including cross site scripting (XSS), MySQL injections, suspicious traffic & more.

Multi-layered security

Our free firewall is powered by two layers of defense. We scan every request at the edge before it reaches your site, and any threats are blocked instantly. Next, our server-level firewall provides additional protection against brute force attacks, exploits, and more.

Two layered firewall

Pre-configured for maximum protection

Our WAF comes preconfigured with highly optimized firewall rules to detect the latest threats. Rules protect against OWASP top 10 attacks like XSS, SQLi, and more.

Pre-configured for maximum protection

Optimized for speed

Our WAF runs at the very edge of our network, intercepting requests before your website code. Not running as an extension or plugin to your site means your sites load faster, and without any code changes your sites will get instant protection effortlessly.

Graph showing high speed WAF

Expert bot detection

20i WAF intercepts malicious bots ensuring only legitimate interactions get through and harmful ones are blocked, safeguarding your sites from unauthorized crawling, content theft and spam submissions.

WAF with bot detection

Enjoy peace of mind with our enterprise level security

Our free WAF is your first line of defense against cybercriminals hacking your site's critical data and information.

WAF PCI compliance


Having a WAF shows you take security seriously and can help meet compliance requirements like PCI. It also provides extra assurance to clients that their data is protected.

Malware scan & 2FA dashboard


While powerful on its own, our WAF works alongside other security solutions - DDoS protection, Brute-force login protection, malware scanning and 2FA. The more layers, the better!

Free & integrated firewall

Free &

Unlike other web hosts who charge extra to secure your website, our WAF comes free with all our hosting and works straight out of the box.

Firewall being updated


The 20i security team regularly update the set of rules that filter-out malicious requests. This ruleset is made from commercially available resources and custom rules.

Choose your hosting plan

Enjoy the benefits of using git with any of these hosting packages...

Managed Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting

Flexible, multi-platform Cloud Hosting. Easy server/site deployment & management.

Managed Hosting
WordPress Hosting

WordPress Hosting

Host unlimited sites on the #1 WordPress platform

WordPress Hosting
Reseller Hosting


Sell web hosting to your clients – no ‘per account’ fees.

First month
Reseller Hosting

Award-winning service

WAF frequently asked questions